On My Way to Become - My Goal My Ambition

 On My Way to Become

 English Task - My Goal My Ambition

Dreams. That's what makes people live. People believe that their dream will come true, that's why people keep living and keep hard working to achieve their dreams. So do I, I believe someday, all my dreams will come true. The dreams that make me and all my people that I love together, where I can live peacefully and delightfully, where I can spend all my time with my precious people, and where I can do whatever I want to do. So, I'm glad that I can write all of my dreams here. Let's start!

When I was a kid, I always dreaming that I could be a teacher. In my kindergarten, I saw that my teacher taught us patiently and fun. When I was being naughty or stubborn, my teacher still wants to guide me on how to be a good and kind person. That's why I thought being a teacher is very cool! until I was in elementary school. After I entered elementary school, I heard most of my friends had very awesome and big dreams! That's made me changed my old dream and I want to become a lecturer at a top university.

Day by day has passed, I was in grade 6th at that time and still confused what junior high school that I want to enroll. I dreamed that I can go to school in Surabaya, a place where many smart, talented, and super genius students study there. But, I think I was dreaming too high "I'm just an ordinary girl in a small city" that's what I thought. My parents keep supporting me so I can pass one of the best junior high school in Surabaya, SMPN 1 Surabaya. So I don't want to give up, I keep studying harder for my National Exam. Sadly, my National Exam score is small. I thought I can lose the competition with the other student in Surabaya. But my mother keep supporting me and reminding me that I still have a chance to pass in the TPA. For your information, junior high school's registration requirement in Surabaya is the National Exam score and TPA score. I really studied hard for my TPA's score, I keep praying and praying like I really want to be accepted as a student in SMPN 1 Surabaya. And I believe that Allah is not sleeping and hearing my prayer. It was true! I was accepted at SMPN 1 Surabaya with rank 7th from approximately 300 students.

During my junior high school student life, I live with all my struggles. No one thought that it would be easy in SMPN 1 Surabaya. I must compete with many genius students there. I have ever when all my grades are falling. But I don't really care about my grades. Because I don't even know how to fix that! Until my first brother was accepted in ITB, one of the top institute in Indonesia! That what made me really want to become like my brother. I want to be part of ITB too! So I decide to dream big, I decided to study hard too. And I heard that many SMAN 3 Bandung students were accepted in ITB. Not only that, SMAN 3 Bandung is famous because it is one of the best High School in West Java. At first, I thought my parents won't let me go to Bandung. Turns out my parents let me enroll in SMAN 3 Bandung. I heard that the required registration for outside province students like me is just the National Exam score. And for the first time in my life, I really prepared my National Exam more early than others.

With all my hard work and patience. All struggle and problems I can pass all of them. Thanks to all people that already support me in my down, I can get the best National Exam score in Surabaya. And I can be enrolled in SMAN 3 Bandung as outside the province students. All my family was really happy to hear and know that. My goal in SMAN 3 Bandung at first, I want to be accepted in ITB with SNMPTN. I want to be part of FTI-ITB, so what I must to do know is really study more harder than usual. My parents let me be a boarding kid in Bandung. But I have two big brothers in Bandung too, 3 of us really work hard to achieve our own dreams.

Who knows that being a student in SMAN 3 Bandung is not easy too. And this time is harder because I'm living as a boarding kid. Far away from home, I have to ride myself to school and go home by myself. I have to prepare my breakfast, lunch, and dinner all by myself. When I was in trouble, I can't tell to my parents anymore, all that I can do is facing all problems by myself. Out of that, in SMAN 3 Bandung I found my passion too! At first, I don't interested in learning German. But now, I'm really interested in that. Well, there is a story about why I'm interested in German. My german teacher was looking for students that want to participate in National Deutsch Olympiad. Of course, at first, I didn't want to join knowing that my lack of language skills. But I decided to follow it because of my close friends. So we have study routine schedules after school, every twice per week we study german's grammar. And since that, I have become more curious and interested in learning german. 3 of us who participate in this olympiad really prepared for this. Even the result we lose, but we still keep learning german. We are sure that this year we can win that until national!

Aside from german. I have a passion for chemistry too! I really like that lesson. Well, at first I'm not really interested in chemistry, I was interested in physics. But, knowing that senior high school's physics is more harder I change my mind and find out that chemistry is my favorite! If I am accepted in FTI-ITB, I would like to choose Chemistry Engineering. In the future, I want to build many powerplant for Indonesia! Besides that, I participate in Chemistry Olympiad too. So I will have many experience in chemistry. One week before the olympiad, I and the chemistry team study more and really hard about chemistry. There are Organic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Physics Chemistry, Bio-Chemistry, Analytic Chemistry, etc. We study all of it. On the competition day, we do what we can. Whatever the result is. The important thing is that we study it because we like it and interested in chemistry.

Sometimes, I found myself in a hard time. A moment where no one could understand in my position. A moment where I want to escape from all of this. A moment that I want to be alone. And a moment that I just want to stop and give up. But what I remembered at first is my parents' hard work so I can be in here. What would my parents think if I give up now? How about all of their hard work? What if they were disappointed in me? That's what I think when I'm at my lowest point. I already this far, so my choice is between I give up or just keep moving. And I will always choose to keep moving whatever it takes, I have to achieve my dreams. So my parents will cheerful with all my success.

In the future, I wish I can build many powerplant for Indonesia. So Indonesia can have much electrical power and can help people who can't afford to pay the electrical bills. I really want to make Indonesia become a developed country. I want to study in foreign countries too, so I have many experiences in my life. The country that I want to study there are the USA, UK, Germany, and Singapore. I heard that technology in that country is already developed. I'm inspired by Mr. B.J. Habibie. I want to be like him so much. Not just that, I like drawing too. Making a manga and drawing character is my favorite. I hope someday I can make a digital comic in Webtoon or I can publish my own comic. When I became a college student, I want to teach many kids for free especially for a kid who can't afford to pay a course. And when I already have a job and much money, I want to help many poor kids who can't go to school. I want to be a woman that can make many people happy, enjoy, and glad because I can help them. I want to prove that women can do anything and be independent. I want to be a woman that can be useful for others. So I tried to keep work hard to achieve all my dreams. 

I hope I can do that in front of my parents' eyes. I can bring all my success to them. I want all my family and all people that I adored in my life to become pleased.


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