All About Me

Get To Know All About Me

Hi, Everyone (。^‿^。)

I like to greet everyone in our first meet, anyway my name is Hayfa Felicia Taqia Wijaya you can call me Hayfa. Well, my childhood friends usually called me Felicia. But, my high school friends now called me Hayfa. Why? because it signifies that i'm already grown up. I'm not a kid anymore, and i'm ready to reach my dreams.

Birthplace and birth date? Oh yes, i was born in Sidoarjo, November 12th 2003. I was the 3rd child of 4 siblings in my family. I was graduate from Pucang 1 Elementary School Sidoarjo on 2016.

My parents hope that i can go get into best school that i can develop my knowledge and my talent. I tried to fulfill my parents hope. So, i learned harder everyday to make it came true. Day past day, when announcement of registration Junior High School 1 Surabaya. Alhamdulillah, i was passed the test. It was really hard to get into it.

On Surabaya
Well, that's not really that hard surviving on big city. I had met many friends and many typical people out there. Many friendly people on there. Especially, Surabaya's mayor, Mrs. Risma, i really idolize her. She is really a hard worked woman and really inspiring. I had learned many things on Surabaya. It was a great day and i started to missing those old days. I was graduate from Junior High School 1 Surabaya on 2019.

Senior High School 
Why i'm choosed Senior High School 3 Bandung? It's like very far away from my home. Why i get to carried away until this far? Everything started from here. When i was a kid, maybe like 9 or 10 years old, i love to read books. Especially, biography books but it was in a comic form.

I had admired many succeed people from there. Example Louis Pasteur, Steve Jobs, Walt Disney, Chung Ju-Yung, Bill Gates, Thomas Alfa Edison, etc. But, the person i admire the most is B.J. Habibie. Especially, when i watched a movie about him called Rudy Habibie. I was really motivated by him and i really want to be like him.

Mr. Habibie ever had learned in ITB too. That's why i really want to get into ITB just like him. Oh, i forgot to mention about my brothers too. i have 2 big brother that study at ITB too, it was really cool to be an ITB student. My big brothers also always supports me. Not just my big brothers, my parents and my little sister too.

By the way, i already mention all about me. What about my family? i want to tell about my family too. The member of my family as much 6 people in there. There are my father, my mother, 2 big brother, and my adorable little sister.

About My Parents
I really thankful and grateful to God because God already gifted me the most supportive parents i always respect for. Everytime i ever feeling down, they always there for me. I couldn't imagine a world without them.

My father is really a hard worked man, he lead his own company and he good at manage all of it. He had own 3 restaurant in East Java. His restaurant called Kebon Pring at Raya Trosobo Street number 28, Sidoarjo. Segoro Madu at Veteran Street number 231, Gresik. and Rejoyo at Raya Pekukuhan Street number 6, Mojokerto. It selling javanese traditional food and many others. So, are you interested to visited my father's restaurant?

My mother such a loving and friendly person. She was graduate from Dentistry at Airlangga University. So, her actual job is a dentist. But my mother giving up her career for one reason. She want to caring and educating her children until all of her children become a succeed person. She want to see her children grow and develop until all of her children succeed reach their dreams. She is my true queen, whose shoulders are strong enough to support the world, but soft enough to give warmth.

About My Siblings
Have many sibling doesn't guarantee we get along well. Sometimes we have a fight for such a small reason. Sometimes we get along well because of playing games. Became the middle child in family doesn't meant i always feeling good, because i have 2 big brother and a little sister that always disturb me and do some naughty stuff to me. But ... that's how we keep close to each other, right?

My first brother named Nuruddin Arief Indrajaya. He was born in Bangkalan, October 16th 1998. He was the first child in my family, and of course the oldest from the 4 of us. He is an ITB student. His major is Oceanography, FITB. He was like typical eldest child in general. He cared about his sisters and brother, he always motivated his brother and sisters, and especially he always watching over his brother and sisters. I usually confide in him, because i know he is such a wise person.

My second brother named Fachrul Arief Suryajaya. He was born in Sidoarjo, August 23th 2001. Usually, people at his age should be in 3rd grade Senior High Student. But, my brother are different. He graduated Junior High School and Senior High School both each in 2 years. He is a dream bigger person. He is willing to wasting his teenager time to study. When people at his age supposed had some time hanging out, chilling, and have some fun, he hold back and focused on his dream to get into ITB. Now, he is an ITB student. His major is Geology, FITB. He is a typical person that you can trust and lean on.

And the last one is my little sister. Her name is Iola Titania Wijaya. She was born in Surabaya, August 10th 2007. Like in general, she is the typical youngest child in family. She may be spoiled, stubborn, and grumpy. But it what makes her have strong determination. She always inspirated by all of her brothers and sister. She want to be like my mother, a doctor. She is really like to read science comic, well that's normal for kids on her age. She is a open-minded person. She doesn't doubt to stated everything on her mind. Without my little sister, maybe in our family would be quiet and not excited. She is the typical person that make your heart always warm and you will comfortable around her all day.

That's all about my family, not unique as another family but our family will keep support each other and we will keep in touch even tough we were separated by distance. All of us have a dreams, all of us try to achieve it, and all of us must not give up so easily on that. That's what makes our family have strong connection and i hope we can keep this connection forever.

That's all from me, thanks for reading until this long. Forgive me if there are any mistake on my grammar, i will try to fix it in the future. See you in next time. (^ω^)

Bandung, August 2019

Hayfa F.T.W


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