Literature Club's Event Preparation - Dialogue Using Suggestion and Offers

Literature Club's Event Preparation

English Task - Make Dialogue Using Suggestion and Offers

One fine day at school, especially at the Literature Club. The loudest club ever that exists in this school, must face this reality. What reality? Well, actually the school had a program to make all clubs in school to be more useful for school. Except for this club, yes Literature Club. All this time the Literature Club didn't do useful things for school. The school warned that they will disband this club if they don't have any event that can be useful for the school. And of course, all the members of this club become ...

Renjun: "What should we do now? The principal will disband us and I can't find a place to hide my collection anymore" (sad face)
Haechan: "What do you mean by 'collection'? (curious)
Renjun: "It's a secret. You don't have to know that!"
Hyunjin: "You mean, all of your video games collection which you hide in that shelf since you were join this club. And because the School Rules said that students can't bring any video games?" (pointing at a shelf)
Hyunjin: "Well at least I said that as a member of the club. And now, we're going to disband. So just say goodbye to your collection"
Jaemin: "Don't give up guys! I believe we can maintain our beloved club!"
Hana: "Jaemin is right, guys! There are so many memories here. And I don't want our club just gone like that. Remember when we had the final exams? We studied together here until we were kicked out by the security. We cried, laughed, had fun, every moment we share in here. This place is not just an ordinary place, this place is a perfect place for us to become who the real us!"
Seoyun: "Yes! what should we do now is we have to make an event that all students in this school excited to come along"
Seungmin: "I got an idea! How about a "Books Exhibition" event? An event that presents all of book genres that we have"
Chunghee: "Sounds fantastic, Seungmin! We can show everyone what we like while doing something we love. It sounds related to the event, right?"
Jeno: "Wait, I still don't get it. We will hold a books exhibition, right? Why don't just set the books according to the genre of the books and then held the exhibition? We make it simple, right?"
Felix: "But it'll be boring if we just held an ordinary exhibition like that! I bet that just a nerd would interest in this event"
Renjun: "I got what Chunghee means! She means that we will show our interest to them through what books we love to read while the exhibition running"
Jisung: "OOH, so I have an example if some of you guys are still confused. For example, Hana is like to read books about chemistry. So she'll show something that related to chemistry"
Chunghee: "Yea. Jisung is right. That'll make everyone interested to come to our exhibition!"
Jaemin: "How about you, club president? Do you agree with this idea?" 
Daeshim: "Why are you guys looking at me?" (everyone look at Daeshim)
Haechan: "You're the club president. We are waiting for your answer. You're the one who decides"
Daeshim: "So ... What are you guys waiting for? Just do it anyway. I'll handle the principal part"
Everyone: "HOORAY!"

Everyone is very excited about this event. Many things that should be prepared from now. The schedule, The permit letter from the principal, the equipment, etc. First, they have to decide which place they'll be held in the exhibition. It takes many times because they have to survey a place that suitable for their event. Not too big and not too small. All members will be highlighted clearly and everyone will get their own showtime. 

Daeshim: "I decided that we'll use the School Hall. It was a perfect place for the event"
Hyunjin: "Why don't we use the School Auditorium? So, the student who sits far away from the stage still can look at our show"
Hana: "No, Hyunjin. That's not how our event will work. We will have our own stand and each stand must have different genre books. And each stand will perform something that related to their genre.
Hyunjin: "I think I understand what you meant. So it will be divided into how many genres so we can prepare the stand?"
Daeshim: "It depends on you guys. What genre do you guys like?"
Jaemin: "I like about politics"
Seoyun: "I like teen-fiction, fan-fiction, and romance genres!"
Chunghee: "I love history books, any historical moment. All around the world'
Hana: "I like science subject. Especially chemistry, but I like physic and biology too!"
Jeno: "I like horror movies and books"
Hyunjin: "I like about sport"
Jisung: "I love music books. Making beat and instrument!"
Haechan: "Cooking!"
Felix: "I like fantasy genre. It could be an adventure or sci-fi"
Renjun: "Video games. Is this included?"
Seungmin: "I like poems and any literature"
Daeshim: "We can make a show and a book exhibition at the same time. But I really need you guys cooperation to make it work. Can I trust all of you, guys?"
Everyone: "YES, YOU CAN COUNT US!"
Daeshim: "Alright, so I already noted all of the genres that you guys said before. I ask all of you guys one by one. About what you guys will gonna do with each stand. First, Jaemin. What are you going to show us at the exhibition?"
Jaemin: "Actually, I don't have any idea. I like about politics. But I think, I don't have to show that. Because many of the examples of politics were in the debate form. I can't debate by myself"
Daeshim: "Well, politics is not about debating. You can have a public speaking about politics. What do you think?"
Jaemin: "Oh you right, sounds good"
Daeshim: "Next, Seoyun. What will you perform?"
Seoyun: "I don't have to perform anything. I will show them some video clips from the romance movies. And I'll promote many romance books that I already read in my stand.
Daeshim: "Glad to hear your great idea. Now, Chunghee. What will you do?"
Chunghee: "I will make a huge world map. And every place on the map will be marked as a historical event that ever happened in that place. So I can explain to whoever comes to my stand"
Daeshim: "That's a really great idea! How about you Hana?"
Hana: "I will show them about some chemistry reaction!"
Daeshim: "Would it not be dangerous for everyone around?"
Hana: "Well, if you guys are aware of it. Then I would change my idea. I will show them about some physic quantum and chemistry quantum"
Daeshim: "That's sounds better! Great job, Hana. How about you, Jeno?"
Jeno: "Maybe my idea is the same as Seoyun. I will show some video clips from horror movies while I'll promote all of the horror books that I already read"
Hyunjin: "Same as me, I will show some video clips of sport"
Felix: "Me too, same idea as Seoyunn. So, you don't have to ask all of us one by one"
Daeshim: "Okay ... So who's have a different idea for their stand"
Haechan: "Oh, oh, oh me! I have a different idea!"
Daeshim: "Sure, what is it?"
Haechan: "I will cook while the exhibition held. So, I can show anyone which recipes books that I use and selling my foods too.
Daeshim: "It looks like you'll need more hands-on that"
Haechan: "I can call my friends to give me some hands too!"
Jisung: "I'd be playing all of the music that I already made!"
Daeshim: "Cool idea. As usual from Jisung"
Renjun: "I'll playing video games. So everyone will be curious and interested!"
Daeshim: "Well, it could be. But, remember that you should be related to books you know"
Renjun: "The video game character is based on a comic that I read!"
Daeshim: "Hmm, you got the point. How about you Seungmin?"
Seungmin: "I will read a poem and make a wall magazine that full of any literature"
Daeshim: "Awesome for all of you guys! Now, let's decorated this place into a specular place!"

All of them are working so hard to prepare for this event. They have to rent some equipment too because none of them have that. They spend a lot of money to prepare this whole Newsome event. And they need many bits of help from their friends. For the place, the rundown, the target of the participant, etc. From morning until night, every day they preparing this event. But, they need people to keep the event orderly and run smoothly. So, they have to ask help to people who want to enroll in the security section. Thank god some of them want to. Not many people assignment for this job, but it is enough to make the event running well. Not just that, Haechan must call his friend for help too. Because Haechan will be cook and promote in this event, not easy for him to do that too. He must manage his time well, so he can get some attention from people to get to his books stand and get money from his selling food too. 

Already D-1, and the day is nearly come. The School Hall already changed because of the stand and decorations. The banner was sticked on School Hall and it reads the "Super Mega Books Exhibition" because this event is really big. No joke for the great teamwork, they really made it. Many people registered for this event. All students from the school even outside the school come along on this event. Meanwhile, all the Literature Club members gathered up in their club room.

Hana: "I can't believe we can make it, guys! One step again and we're finish!"
Seoyun: "Me too, I really love this moment. We are creating another moment, guys!"
Chunghee: "But this one is the best. Trust me!"
Hana: "You're right! Because of all of this preparation. I know you guys better!"
Jeno: "Yea, who knows that Haechan has many friends out there? I really shocked"
Jaemin: "LOL, I still remember that Renjun brought all of his action figures"
Felix: "OHH, you're right! That was such many figures"
Hyunjin: "All I remember is Renjun asked for help because he can't carry all of his figures"
Renjun: "I was asking for help, and NOBODY HELP ME! How cruel you are, guys!"
Seungmin: "I'm really sorry at that time, Renjun. I was busy with the other stand too"
Jaemin: "Everyone is busy with their own business. Respect for Renjun"
Jisung: "HAHA, what a really nice moment that we had, guys! Want to hear some relaxing music while we take a break now?"
Felix: "Why not? A piece of music can calm us, right?"

Jisung playing relaxed music. Everyone takes a break from heavy activities. Everyone sits on a nice couch in their club room. Enjoying every beat from the music. Letting go of all the tired feeling and stress. At the moment, Felix singing follows the beat's from the music. With his deep voice, everyone just enjoyed his singing. Not only that, Jisung starts to rapping with the music's beat. Everyone in the room starts to singing too. They had fun together, after all this tired preparation. At least, they not making it more difficult, they make it easy so they can enjoy all the moments.

But not with these people, who are they? Haechan and Daeshim. They are on someplace quiet and not too far from the Literature Club. Two of them looked serious, something serious in here. Quite atmosphere surrounding them. None of them has open their mouth. Just the sound of the wind was heard. Two of them didn't seem to be angry or anything. They just ... silent.

Haechan: "Is something wrong? You can tell me Daeshim"
Daeshim: "No, everything is fine. I'm okay too"
Haechan: "I know you lied. And I know you're not fine. I know you, Daeshim"
Daeshim: "It's not like what it looks like, Haechan. I'm completely fine"
Haechan: "Let me help you with all your problem. Please, let me know about your problems too. Don't try to bear it alone"
Daeshim: "No ... I can't"
Haechan: "Well, I already know everything. Why did you choose not to tell them?"
Daeshim: "Because of them. I could still make it until now"
Haechan: "So, you haven't told them the truth?"
Daeshim: "I am really afraid to lose their smile and all their happiness"
Haechan: "Then, why don't you just told them the truth? Now, you just lied to make them stay happy? You know that this will be not last long anymore"
Daeshim: "I can handle this. After all this over, I will try to talk to the principal"
Haechan: "What? to make Literature Club not disbanded? You now the minimal participant target for tomorrow event, right? And you think it makes sense to make it works?"
Daeshim: "I believe in all the hard work that we're doing for this event. I don't care about the minimal participant target even minimal money should we make in this event"
Haechan: "Lucky us, I have many friends that freely helps us. But are you sure?"
Daeshim: "I'm more believe in my friends more than I believe in myself"
Haechan: "So ... that's your answer"

The day has come. The "Super Mega Exhibition Books" is started. For the pre-registration, there are around hundreds of people who come. But, it doesn't count on the people who came today on the day too. Daeshim keep hoping that they will fulfill the minimal participant target. Many people come to look at many stands. They are very excited about every stand according to their own interest. Jaemin with his public speaking attracts people who interest in that subject. Hana and her lecture about physic and chemistry attract many science students. Seoyun, Hyunjin, Felix, and Jeno with their TV on their stand for showing many video clips while promoting their books. Chunghee with her globe and her big maps makes people enjoyed her explanation about history and it sounds not bored for a long subject. Renjun with all his figures collection and his comics book attracts many otakus and kids. Jisung with his music filled all of the school hall so the people will not feel bored in this exhibition. Don't forget with Haechan's skill to manage to sell food and promoting his recipe books. He can make people satisfy with his delicious food and made people curious about his recipes. Not only that, the Literature Club already prepare something for all the participants. So they can buy the books they want in the exhibition. That make minimal money that they should make would be fulfilled. Daeshim already calculated all of this, oh much money they spend and how much money they would get. And based on Daeshim calculated, they will get a big profit from this event. That what makes Daeshim happy.

The "Super Mega Exhibition Books" closed in the evening. Little by little the participant leave the exhibition. All of the Literature Club's members also helping the cleaning service to clean all the mess from the event. They do not forget to return the equipment which they rent for this event. And be thankful very much to all of Haechan's friends because of them the event can go smoothly. All the Literature Club's members are getting ready to go to their own home, it's already night. They are saying goodbye to each other before they are separated. Today was a really tiring day for all of them.

The next day, they are back to normal. They are going to school as usual. And after school, the Literature Club gathering in their club room as usual. All of them waiting for good news from the principal. They already made a big success with yesterday event. They got a lot of profit from selling books and selling food. Everything just went perfect yesterday. Many people satisfied with their hard work. And now, The Club President, Daeshim, must face the principal to say what her members want for their club.

Daeshim: "Excuse me, sir. I want to give a report that our club already succeed held the event that useful for school. We already attracted many students from here and even students from outside this school"
Principal: "What a piece of good news I heard from a pity club. But sorry, your club still will disband"
Daeshim: "Don't be too hasty in deciding, sir. We made a really big profit than another club can be made. And you sure to disband our club? One of  the powerful club now?"
Principal: "So, your club is categorized powerful club now? How funny"
Daeshim: "I took a survey from all the participants who are coming along in our yesterday event. And 97% of them were hoping to make this event become an annual event. And they are looking forward to the next exhibition next year"
Principal: "How about the profit? Did you all fulfill the minimal income that I already told?"
Daeshim: "We pass about 160% from your target. We got so much income and we already decided to donate 56% to our school, sir"
Principal: "How unpredictable from you, Daeshim. Tell me what do you want"
Daeshim: "Let's make it simple, sir. Don't ever bother my club members. Just that thing that I want"
Principal: "Are you underestimate me? Well, I can give you guys something that make your members happy. We'll see"
Daeshim: "What do you mean?"
Principal: "Go pack your things and your members things out from that club room, now!"
Daeshim: "But why, sir?" I already fulfill all of your targets!"
Principal: "Because I say so. Now, just pack all your things and move all of it out from the room"

Daeshim can't do anything now. Sadly, she announced to her members that they should pack all of their things. And of course, all of them were sad. They already succeed in the event, but they are failed to maintain their club. None of them talk after Daeshim said to pack all their things. The atmosphere was quiet and awkward. Although they are already close to each other, they are being awkward now. The situation is really not right to encourage the others. All of them are going to their own home. The different things with yesterday is there are not saying goodbye to each other.

About 3 months later, all of them were busy with their own business. Hana has to focused on her science competition. Seoyun wrote her teen-fiction books, soon she will publish them. Jisung made his own music, he continues to study more. Hyunjin enters many sports competitions. Seungmin wrote his poems and publish them to his blog. Jaemin was busy improving his debate and public speaking skill. Chunghee busy to learn more about history. Just a few of them who still gathering together, Jeno, Felix, and Renjun still playing together. They always gathering in front of their club room which until now there is a closed sign. But something different with today, The closed sign is gone now! Jeno, Felix, and Renjun are curious about it. One of them tries to hold the door's knob and try to open the door. And they are really shocked to see what is in front of them. As soon as possible, they are telling all the members. All of them must gather in front of their club room.

Chunghee: "What's going on here? Why you guys told us to gather in here?"
Hana: "Somethings wrong guys?"
Jeno: "All of you might not trust us. So all of you must see on your own eyes. Just get in, guys!"
Felix: "Yea, just trust us this time! We're not joking or anything"
Renjun: "YES, try to see it guys. It's really fantastic inside the room!"
Jaemin: "What do you mean, Renjun. Our room already closed since 3 months ago!"
Felix: "You may not trust us, so you can open the door by your own"
Seungmin: "No thanks, I'm sure it just a joke from three of you"
Hyunjin: "Well, this time is a really not right time for jokes, guys"
Jisung: "Guys, please. We are busy now. No time for this"
Haechan: "Why don't we just give a try? Let's trust them to open the door"
Seoyun: "Well, okay. Why not?" (open the door)

All of them were shocked to see what in front of them. Their club room has changed into something really incredible. The interior has a modern style. The place was turning into such a comfy and cozy place! All of them are really happy. They all can go back to their favorite place as usual.

Hana: "FINALLY, I really love this place now!"
Chunghee: "So, for 3 months ago. The school had repaired this room? That's cool"
Felix: "Like what we said, right?"
Jisung: "Maybe this is the prize because we already got many benefits from our exhibition event"
Hyunjin: "We should told Daeshim! Is she already know about this?"
Haechan: "Maybe not... She's really afraid to see all of you guys faces become sad"
Jaemin: "Well, not anymore. We're very happy now. And we want her to be happy to. Let's call her to gather in here too!"
Seoyun: "I'm going to call her now. Hope she will answer my call"
Daeshim: "Well, actually. I already with you guys all this time" (suddenly appears)
Renjun: "OMO AIGOO KAMJAGIYA" (shocked)
Seungmin: "What in the world you just said, Renjun"
Renjun: "I really shocked because out of nowhere Daeshim just come along with us!"
Daeshim: "Sorry hehe. Actually, I was really sad because the principal told us to pack our things. Turns out they were renovating this roo for us!"
Jeno: "Who knows? Now, we have to prepare more programs for our club!"
Hana: "Yeah, we have to make our club bigger and more exciting for all"
Daeshim: "I'm really happy that I meet you, guys!"

All the members are reunited again in their beloved club. They will prepare more exciting events and they will make their club powerful more than the others. All of them can be the real them in that place. They are very comfortable in there. Not just comfortable, they become hardworking person, caring for each other, and understand each other. This club not just a place to read, this club is a place which you can express all of your favorite. 


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